Monday, June 27, 2011

puppy love

So there's this new dude in my life. He's sort of immature, has way more energy than I do but still loves to take naps with me, and has recently been keeping me company on my runs (side note: is running going to help me get some of my ghetto booty back? I swear it's been shrinking lately and I'm really not okay with that). If you haven't figured out by this point that I'm not talking about a human dude, than take a little gander at this picture and all will be explained:

Pretty cute, right? Don't let him fool you though, he's trouble. He can (and will) basically break out of any enclosure he finds himself in for more than half an hour. I keep him from breaking out of his crate by securing it with five carabiners and a chain. He's pretty bad ass. Other than this massive case of separation anxiety he's got going on, dude's pretty chill.

So the other day Rose and I took Charlie on a little trip to Home Depot to pick some shit for her boyfriend (you KNOW we weren't in there shopping for ourselves. So NOT our brand). There we were, waiting for some super friendly employee (ok seriously, what is WITH the people who work at that store? They're all so damn happy, it's like the Disneyland of home improvement warehouses) and Charlie decided that right there in aisle 13 was as good a place as any to take a shit. Naturally, Rose and I went straight to freak-out mode. "SHIT! Get rid of it before someone comes over here! Hurry!" So as she's yelling at me and I'm frantically digging through my purse for something to pick it up with, Charlie is kinda just hanging out, eating popcorn off the floor, scratching his balls, it's no big thing. Naturally neither of us has anything practical on us that could be used to pick up Home Depot dog shit, so quick as a whip I empty out my purse and spy my extra pair of panties in the zip up pocket. Yes, I'm one of those girls. I like to be prepared, all right? You never know. Don't judge. Or do, it's cool. . And since I'm single, and since I've been sort of seeing someone, or whatever, they were a NICE pair. But you do what you gotta do.

I now own one less pair of sexy red panties, so thanks for that Charlie. You're lucky that you're cute as hell.

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